Community Outreach Update: August 2021

upcoming activity

health & wellbeing:

  • Health & Wellbeing team are running a Pedal Pals Meet & Greet on the 21st August! Taking place 10am-12pm at our South hub yard and 2-4pm at our West hub yard. There will be some fun speed friending questions to use as icebreakers, a Dr Bike set up to help you repair your bike & some delicious food provided by MILK Cafe. Everyone will get a free cycle route map, so once you’ve made some new friends you can go for a ride together after the event! Sign up for the morning session at the South hub: and sign up for the afternoon session at the West hub:
  • The team are continuing their lessons and gentle rides for women & non-binary people. There’s lot of spaces still available every week for the West hub sessions, so come along! Book online or arrive early for the drop in slots. Every Thursday 10am-12:30pm at both West and South hubs. Read more and book the women & non-binary lessons and rides.
  • The team are continuing Bikes for All sign ups, providing low cost Nextbike membership for those on a low income. Sign up in person at our West hub on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month and at our South hub on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 2-5pm.
  • Health & Wellbeing are about to begin 10-week blocks of cycle rides with Govan Community Project, Phoenix Futures Re-entry Hub, NHS Esteem North, Elpis Centre, Stobhill Hospital and Cardonald College!

active travel:

  • Are you curious about becoming a commuter? Then join Active Travel for a Q&A on the 4th 5:30-6:30 at our South hub! Sign up for a Curious Commuter ticket.
  • The team are also offering families interested in commuting bespoke cycling sessions too. Read more about our Family Services and book a place for your family.
  • Keep a look out for Active Travel’s Curious Commuter work at Motion Forward‘s events, where they’ll be helping people overcome their barriers to commuting.
  • The team are running a Dr Bike with the Royal Hospital for Children at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital on 28th August, where they will service check neglected bikes that need some TLC!

skills & development:

  • Skills & Development have teamed up with the Adventure Syndicate to launch a women & non-binary bikepacking group! The group have started their 8 week journey to build off-road cycling skills with Leanne Whitehead, the mountain bike leader, coaching the group on how to tackle steps and downhill grassy slaloms! Next week, the group will cycle to Pollok Park and ride the mountain bike trails there, going further afield in the upcoming weeks to try out different terrain. Then in September, the group will go on an overnight bikepacking trip together.
  • The team will be running cycling groups at the end of the month as part of the Govanhill Gears, with a focus on building confidence for new riders. Any young person can join the Govanhill Gears sessions, just turn up! Read more about Govanhill Gears.

A line of women stand outdoors with their bikes.

previous activity

health & wellbeing:

  • The team have finished their cycle rides with NG Homes and will shortly be finishing with Queens Cross Housing Association and NHS Esteem South. They say it’s bittersweet as they’ve had a great time riding with them all, but it’s wonderful to see the participants develop throughout the sessions!

A group of people with bikes stand smiling and waving

active travel:

  • A new team member Susan (Su) joins Active Travel to begin launching a new cycling hub at Civic Street near to Civic House. Welcome, Su! Watch this space for more details as the project develops.
  • The team provided more bike loans for those looking to test travelling by bike. One loanee said:

    I am able to take a break at work now as all my time is not spent walking between homes. I feel a lot healthier and I love travelling by bike. I don’t want to give it back!

    If you’d like to loan a bike for us for free for month, contact the Active Travel team by email at All loans include a pannier rack, lock and helmet.

  • The team were busy with cycling lessons, with around 20 one-to-one adult sessions a week in July. They are fully booked for now, but check out our Cycle Lessons page for more information.
  • The team have continued their monthly led rides with the Woodlands Community to help participants build confidence whilst cycling so that they can incorporate cycling into their daily lives.
  • Active Travel hosted a bikepacking Q&A at the South hub, demonstrating how to pack your bike for long trips. They were delighted to be delivering in person events again and are looking forward to programming more!

skills & development:

  • The team launched their New Scots programme with cycle rides and fix your own bike sessions well attended every week! They’re looking into new ways to develop volunteers’ skills and opportunities to partner with other organisations working with New Scots.
  • The Govanhill Gears enjoyed a sunshine-filled ride to Pollok Park after weeks of developing their mechanical skills, road safety and practice. They also travelled to the Loading Bay to practice some BMX skills and enjoy trampolining! A group of young people lay and stand in the grass outdoors.
  • 15 new volunteers joined the team for the first time since early 2020 to help out across the organisation, with two volunteers joining as sessional staff too so they can continue to develop their skills and knowledge. Overall, 40 volunteers provided an impressive 501 hours of support in July.
  • The team continued to deliver maintenance classes with great feedback and higher demand than usual! All practical training is complemented by learning through an online training platform. Read more about our maintenance classes and how to book.
  • Skills & Development started more build your own bike and fix your own bike sessions with great attendance and feedback and the team are happy to be working with people on the sessions again!
  • The West hub has enjoyed some new renovations, with the team building an outdoor deck and local artists the KirkwoodBrothers painting some murals! Be sure to come along and check out the colourful designs.

A view of the West hub outside showing the colourful mural design.

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