Community Outreach update December 2021
active travel team
Cycle lessons – Our one-to-one lessons are finishing on 27th November and will restart on 5th February.
The Civic Street Hub is still open on Fridays 3.30pm-5.30pm up to 10th December for active travel advice and DIY maintenance. See here for map and directions: Civic Street Cycle Hub | Linktree
Thanks also to those who came to our Active Travel Focus Group on 19th November (Glasgow City Council’s consultation has now been extended to 5th December – do the online survey here) and to Oakgrove Primary School for having us for a Dr Bike there.
Finally, a massive thanks to all the fantastic volunteers who have helped insulate the container at Civic Street!
Skills and Development
All Skills & Development delivery sessions will draw to a close on the 17th of December.
Our last Build Your Own Bike will take place between Monday 13th – Friday 17th December.
Volunteers have built up 20 kids bikes to donate to local charities, during their development sessions. These will be donated to charities working with families who cannot afford a bike, and Christmas is a great time to receive a bike!
Our volunteers have been amazing and a massive help across BfG, huge thanks to them all!
Health and Wellbeing
Work with The Pyramid in Anderston, Rowanbank Clinic in Stobhill Hospital, Clyde College (Cardonald campus), Govanhill Baths, Phoenix Futures Residential Service, and Queens Cross Housing Association is wrapping up soon. The team’s last group session of the year will be 17th December.
£50,000 from the Paths for All Open Fund which will enable them to continue delivering the Social Prescribing for Cycling project in 2022/23.
Social Prescribing launched two new group rides with LGBT Health and Wellbeing’s mental health group and Leap Sports’ Trans Active GLA group. The two groups have cycled well over 350 miles in the last 2 months – who said you can’t cycle in the winter months?!
This year in total (so far!) the team have cycled well over 1,000 miles with their regular groups, probably closer to 2,000 if you include the 1:1s from Social Prescribing too.
The team are sad to see Rosie go and want to thank her for such great work launching Pedal Pals earlier this year.