Lorna’s Film Club
A blog post by Lorna, our Events Guru at Bike for Good.
Like many of us, an average working day for me in 2020 looks very different to one this time last year. As the events practitioner for Active Travel here at Bike for Good I’ve had to re-think the usual format of gatherings that we’re used to.
I used to revel in working at our thriving South Hub and, since moving to a home-based role, I’ve missed the opportunity to put on the kind of events we would regularly promote and run, such as community fairs, talks, and films screenings. But we’ve not ground to a halt completely. We decided to take our screenings online, and I am happy to introduce to you the Bike for Good Film Club.
Twice a month, we’re putting on a film screening related to our passions of cycling and the environment, all prepared for you to view in the comfort of your own home. Our menu of films is diverse: some weeks it’ll be inspirational stories of cycling from around the world, and some weeks it’ll be stories of how our actions and changes in climate are changing our world.
Once the film’s run-time is complete, we’ll hold a discussion about the film and on the themes and ideas that it raises. That chat will either be on our Facebook event page in the ‘discussions’ section, or in a Zoom chat, where we can hold a group face-to-face meeting.
I’m hoping this film club will offer a chance for some switched-on screen time, with films that inspire and empower. Often after watching a thought-provoking film I’ll want to turn to someone next to me and expand on some of the subjects it’s raised, a tricky task when you’re watching alone in your room! These screenings will provide some time to connect and engage, where dark nights and distancing make it harder and harder to do so.
All our screenings are free and are open to everyone. I hope you’ll join us for the next night, you can find details on future screenings on our event page on our website and Facebook pages too.
Happy watching!