October Community Work Round-Up

Our community project teams have been working hard, connecting bicycles and people to positively impact the environment, health and wellbeing, and skills and development.

Sometimes they are so busy, they don’t even know what each other are up to!

So every month, we are going to write about the great community work we have done. We want to show and tell our supporters and staff what we do. And importantly, we want to take the time to actually reflect. In the world today it’s all too easy to get caught up in doing, doing, doing: and not take the time to look back on all the great things we have achieved. 



  • Had 11 people borrow their free Curious Commuter loan bikes for a month  
  • Had 7 people borrow their free e-bikes for a short trial period
  • Had 14 people attend their VeloSkills classes to learn basic bike maintenance
  • Held a Bike Breakfast at St Joseph’s Primary School where they serviced 14 kids bikes and handed out free healthy breakfast to 82 kids
  • Held their first collaborative Dr Bike with Glasgow Coffee Outside – giving 18 commuters a free bike check and having coffee with 45 passing Broomielaw cyclists
  • As part of the new Winter Wheels campaign, they serviced 16 bikes at a Dr Bike on Minerva Street.

A Dr Bike with Glasgow Coffee Outside



South Community Hub

  • Hosted the premiere of the film ‘Let’s Go!’ – short film made with the local community of Govanhill to celebrate the project and the amazing stories of people taking action on climate change at a local level. The event included live music from Brass, Aye, fresh food from Kaleyard, great time was had by all!
  • Finished a session of weekly rides with Reach Community Health Project – all five dedicated women are now cycling
  • Finished up a session of lessons at Annette Street Primary School, all 25 kids in the group can now pedal!
  • Attended a whole school assembly at St Albert’s Primary School, where they quizzed the kids on their knowledge of how travel affects climate change
  • Hosted 9 eager learners at October’s Spokes Not Blokes session.

Let’s Go! film premiere



The Bike Academy

  • Are working with Holybrook, Johnstone Academy, Hyndland Secondary, John Paul Academy towards a City & Guilds certificate in cycle mechanics for some of their pupils.
  • Helped 4 volunteers gain a mechanical City and Guilds qualification through regular sessions.  
  • Have been busy planning a 4 week Build Your Own Bike course called Young People Get Moving!

Youth Fix Your Own Bike evening




  • Won a public health commendation at the RSPH 2019 Awards!
  • Began their second 10-week block with Phoenix Futures, and were delighted to have 2 participants from the first block come along as volunteers
  • Were part of a big celebration event at Flourish House to mark the creation of new their Cycling Club 
  • Started 4 new 1:1 lessons with referrals from Community Links Practitioners across glasgow to help improve participants health and wellbeing.
  • Put on a free lunch during the Bikes for All drop in session as part of Challenge Poverty Week – lunch followed by a nextbike ride around Queens Park.
  • Hosted a Womans Maintenance and yoga day as part of the Pedal Pathways project.
  • Started a new Learn To Ride drop in session at Glasgow Kelvin College Springburn campus for ESOL students
  • Delivered an Essential Cycling Skills course to participants from NUME group so they have the skills to continue running their own rides using bikes from the Maryhill Hub – with a Cycle Ride Leader course to follow.


A new award to add to our collection


We will be reflecting on our previous 30 days every month, so stay tuned for an update on November!

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