Our First Outdoor Advertising Campaign

In January 2020 we were proud to present our first ever outdoor advertising campaign: Change Your Wheels, Change Your Life.


The objective of this campaign was to encourage people to consider cycle-commuting, instead of using carbon-emitting modes of transport, such as a car.  The carbon footprint of a bike is less than a tenth of a car; and with a Climate Emergency declared by Glasgow City Council in 2019, switching to shorter journeys by bike is a good place for us weegie citizens to start.


Bike for Good wanted to show people that commuting by bike is possible, accessible, and fun! Our imagery, created by local artist Pippa Thomas, depicts a Glasgow where regular people commute happily to work, on all types of bikes. Can you spot some famous Glasgow monuments?


We ran the campaign across the city centre of Glasgow for two weeks, in order to catch people commuting to work by car / bus / train. We also set up a large static billboard on the Partick Expressway, and one on Duke Street (both arterial routes into the city, often clogged with traffic).


What can we do for you?

Please see our Change Your Wheels, Change Your Life webpage to see how we can support your into cycle commuting.


With thanks

This campaign was created by our in-house Communications Officer Kimberley White, with funding from Smarter Choices Smarter Places.

You can see Kimberley discussing the campaign below:



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