Which cargo bike to choose? (and how to try one for free!)

Think cargo bikes are bulky with large boxes at the front or back? Think again.

Some modern cargo bikes look nothing like that. They are light, versatile and easy to store, making them the perfect choice for young families or anyone who simply needs to carry more stuff. 

They give you a really nice riding experience (some actually ride like a regular bike when you’re not carrying anything!), feel stable, and look the part too. 

So if you like the idea of carrying more stuff in style without compromising your ride, read on to find out which cargo bike is best for you and how you can try one for free. 


You want a bike to carry heavy loads easily but doesn’t feel bulky


An incredibly versatile, lightweight and fast e-cargo bike that can handle heavy loads and big objects with ease.

  • Rides like a normal bike when unloaded, stays easy to handle, agile and fast when loaded
  • Light, responsive and easy to control
  • Easy to load on your own

Price: from £5,199

Find out more about the E-CARGO V3 – Omnium

Paul tells us about his Omnium bike and how much his daughter Maisy loves it

You want a bike to carry heavy loads and that’s easy to store and park


Mini-Max – Omnium

A fast, light and compact cargo bike for snappy turns and easy storage or parking. 

  • Easy to carry up the stairs (a medium weights 19kg, the same as a regular bike) and fits in a lift
  • Rides like a regular bike 
  • Ideal for city streets 

Price: from £2,895

Find out more about the Omnium Mini-Max


E-Mini-Max – Omnium

A fast, light and compact e-cargo bike for snappy turns and smaller parking spaces. 

  • Rides like a regular bike   
  • Ideal for city streets
  • A powerful motor – Built to handle the steepest of hills with a load

Price: from £5,199

Find out more about the Omnium E-Mini-Max


You want a bike to carry it all and evolve with your needs


Incredibly agile, stable and manoeuvrable bikes that looks good and allows you to switch up what you carry thanks to clever accessories. 

  • Clever range of accessories to carry exactly what you need 
  • Powerful and reliable Bosch motor and battery

RemiDemi – Benno

Cargo bike - RemiDemi - Benno

  • Just as easy to store and ride as your regular bike as it’s the same length (no bulky cargo bikes here!) 
  • Carry one child on the back (up to 40kg)
  • Carry up to 15kg on the front rack 

Find out more about the Benno RemiDemi 

Price: from £3999.99


Boost – Benno

  • An ideal option for people who want to carry lots but don’t have too much space for storage or don’t want to ride a big heavy cargo bike 
  • Carry more than 3x the load of a regular bike 
  • Carry two children on the back and 20kg cargo on the front

Price: from £3999.99

Find out more about the Benno Boost 


Try a cargo bike for free for a week 

Trying a cargo bike for a week is the best way to find out if this is going to fit your lifestyle and if it’s a good investment for you. 

You can borrow one of the cargo bikes on this page for free with eCargo Bike Library. 

Not sure which bike is best for you? We’ll help you figure out which cargo bike is best for your needs. You can even try a few. 

Find out more about how to borrow an eCargo bike for free.

Want to find out more about our cargo bikes? 

Pop into one of our Glasgow Hubs to see our cargo bikes, chat with our friendly staff about which one would suit you best and give it a whirl. 

We are official Benno and Omnium stockists.

Got a few questions before you come in? Drop us an email at glasgow@bikeforgood.org.uk

If none of the cargo bikes on this page are quite what you’re looking for, we can also advise on other models and order them in for you. 

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