Everyday Cycling Heroes: Alan

Before getting involved with Bike for Good, Alan spent most of his time playing video games alone in his house.

He owned a bike, but he only used it close to home. He wasn’t sure how to plan routes, and wasn’t confident enough to explore further afield.

We met Alan during a ten week cycling block with NHS Esteem, through our Wheelbeing community outreach programme. During these ten weeks, we utilised nextbikes to show the group easy and accessible routes around the city, and to improve their mental health and fitness. 

Alan connected with cycling, and now describes being on his bike as ‘his new favourite hobby’. He also reports that his attitude and state of mind have improved.

Now that the ten week block is over, Alan intends to continue cycling to all of his appointments and group activities, rather than use public transport. He is looking forward to attending lots of social rides to keep his mental health and physical fitness in check. NHS Esteem North plan to set up their own cycling club in the near future, and Alan has expressed an interested in helping out with this.

Alan told us:

“The cycling sessions with NHS Esteem and Bike for Good were by far my favourite group, they definitely brightened up my day. I was disappointed when they ended -it felt like they did not go on for long enough! But it opened up my eyes to see just how easy it was to cycle through Glasgow. I cycle to most of my NHS Esteem activities now and I even went on a weekend trip to Arran. I cycled around Arran for two days stopping off at many different villages and beaches. I want to thank Bike for Good for the work they do, it has been much appreciated.”

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