Everyday Cycling Heroes: Peter
Peter outgrew his bike when he was ten years old, and since then he had abandoned cycling altogether.
Living in Birmingham previously, he didn’t rate the city infrastructure and felt ‘mega anxious’. He told us that he couldn’t bring himself to try again.
Since moving to Glasgow, Peter has engaged with mental health support organisation Flourish House. He attended one of our 10 week block sessions with Flourish House, through our Wheelbeing project, and tried cycling again after 21 years out of the saddle!
“I have had a massive increase in confidence knowing that I can cycle – this was a big cause of anxiety and shame before, feeling that i wasn’t able to. I now move more freely as a result and I think there are other things I can probably try, too.”
We were able to set Peter up with a discounted nextbike membership through our innovative Bikes for All scheme, so that he could continue cycling once the 10 week block of sessions at Flourish House was over. He aims to keep cycling regularly, building up his confidence on the roads, and perhaps one day be able to buy his own bike.
“Falling over and looking daft was my biggest fear. And it happened. But it really didn’t bother me. The joy of being able to cycle again overrode that!”
If Peter has inspired you, and you need access to Bikes for All – please email wheelbeing@bikeforgood.org.uk and Pippa will help you out!