Spokes Not Blokes: May
event date: 07/05/2019
An evening of guided bicycle maintenance for women and non-binary people; by women and non-binary people.
After the success of our first evening, please come along to our second Spokes not Blokes session.
We are now opening our workshop doors every first Tuesday evening of the month to teach bicycle maintenance to women & non-binary people.
5-6pm: Instruction on a topic, this month: BRAKES!
6-8pm: Fix Your Own Bike (FYOB): Open drop-in workshop with assistance on hand
FYOB sessions welcome complete beginners, it is a learning space with mechanics & volunteers on hand to work through problems together.
What does non-binary mean?
Non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone whose gender does not unambiguously fit into either “man” or “woman”. Non-binary is a gender term in its own right, but also includes agender, genderqueer, genderfluid, and all other genders outside of the “man/woman” binary.
Who is welcome in the space?
Women (trans, cis, and otherwise) and non-binary people (of all / no genders). Self-definition is at the sole discretion of users. We do not police gender in our workshops. If you are here it is because you feel that you are included, and therefore are welcome. If you have any queries regarding our gender inclusion policy, please don’t hesitate to ask questions.